Infographic: How To Compare Smart Home Products


You’re looking to buy new kitchen appliances. You’ve decided that smart home products are the way to go. But, you just don’t know how to compare the different options.

Don’t worry, it is easier than you think.

The Basics

Smart home devices need the following:

  • A Wi-Fi connection with a bandwidth large enough to handle all the traffic that will be taking place.
  • The devices need to be able to communicate with each other.

In simpler terms, they need to speak the same “language” in a timely manner.

Take Stock

Before you start browsing, take stock of all your different needs. Then, also take a look at what connectivity solutions you already have in place. Make sure your current internet solution is wireless and also that it will be strong enough to bear the load of traffic to be added.

If you want to buy products from differing brands, you may have to check in to buying a 3rd party solution like Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home. This will help devices to inter-connect with greater ease. It will also serve as the central hub or platform from which you will access all your smart devices.

For a reliable IoT set-up make sure your current internet solution is wireless and also that it will be strong enough to bear the load of traffic to be added. Click To Tweet

Okay once you have established all these things you’ll be able to narrow down the vast array of available products to the top ones that will actually be worth it.

  • Money Talks, so establish your price range and search within it. Stick to the budget you have available.
  • Pick A Side. Choose brand names that you already own or are compatible with your current smart home setup.
  • Take Extra Consideration and bring all your extra needs and requirements into play. Eliminate the products that won’t fulfil it.

Alright, you’re set. Buy that sucker and hook it up. Follow the simple steps above, read through our helpful infographic and apply the technological wizardry to make your life easier.

If you want to buy products from differing brands, you may have to check in to buying a 3rd party solution like Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home. This will help devices to inter-connect with greater ease Click To Tweet