Threads(.com) Traffic Skyrocketing Amid Meta’s Social Network Launch

Unaffiliated work app experiences unprecedented traffic and download surge following Meta’s Threads(.net) launch.

In a surprising turn of events, Threads(.com), a work app competitor unrelated to Meta’s new social network, has experienced an unprecedented surge in traffic and downloads since the launch of Meta’s Threads(.net). According to data analyzed by small business advice company Venture Smarter, Threads(.com) received over 10 million site visits within the first two weeks of Threads(.net) going live, skyrocketing its global website ranking and user base.

A Surge in Traffic and Global Ranking: The Threads(.com) Effect

Following the launch of Meta’s Threads(.net), Threads(.com) witnessed an explosive increase in site visits, with its global website ranking soaring from 545,741 to 5,813 in just two weeks. The comparison of SimilarWeb data revealed that traffic to Threads(.com) increased by a staggering 12,148%, with visits spiking from 88,011 in June to a remarkable 10.78 million in July.

The unexpected surge in traffic made it clear that many users were inadvertently visiting Threads(.com) while intending to access Meta-owned Threads(.net). Interestingly, out of the 90 million visits to Threads in July, over 10 million ended up on Threads(.com), accounting for approximately one in ten visitors.

Downloads Surge on Google Play: A Fortuitous Boost for Threads(.com)

The unintended traffic surge did not just result in high visit numbers, but it also significantly impacted the downloads of Threads(.com) on Google Play. Analysis of their Google Play profile showed a meteoric rise in downloads from over 100,000 to a staggering one million in just a month. Before Meta’s Threads launch, the app averaged around 2,600 monthly downloads. This exponential growth in downloads showcased the substantial awareness boost for the work tool due to the accidental traffic.

The Unintentional Benefit: Threads(.com) Work App Gains Prominence

While some might argue that the traffic directed to Threads(.com) is irrelevant, the analysis of the company’s app page on Google Play tells a different story. The millions of accidental visits translated into a tremendous boost in downloads and a notable increase in the work app’s online rankings. This sudden surge undoubtedly contributed to enhancing the company’s value and visibility overnight.

Venture Smarter’s CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Jon Morgan, highlighted the significance of the situation. He explained, “Threads(.com) work app has hit the jackpot by sharing a brand name with Meta’s latest social network. The unintentional traffic surge not only resulted in millions of new downloads but also brought huge awareness to the work tool. This unexpected boost has surely elevated the company’s value and online rankings significantly. A valuable lesson for CEOs in securing all domains users may use to find your business, as you could inadvertently benefit the wrong company.”

The Origin of Threads(.com) and Its Bright Future

Threads(.com) was founded by three former Facebook (Meta) employees – Jon McCord, Mark Rich, and Rousseau Kazi. Their collective expertise and vision led to the creation of a work communication app designed to streamline productivity and collaboration in the professional sphere. The accidental boost in traffic and downloads has provided Threads(.com) with an opportunity to showcase its capabilities to a wider audience, potentially opening doors to a bright future for the work app.

The launch of Meta’s Threads(.net) had an unexpected and significant impact on an unaffiliated work app, Threads(.com). The accidental traffic surge resulted in over 10 million site visits, an astronomical increase in global website ranking, and a staggering rise in downloads on Google Play. While the unintended benefit might not have been anticipated, it undoubtedly provided Threads(.com) with a unique opportunity to shine and showcase its capabilities to a broader audience.

As the work app continues to leverage this fortuitous boost, the future looks promising for Threads(.com). This situation also serves as a valuable lesson for companies to be proactive in securing all domains relevant to their brand, as one never knows when an accidental windfall may occur. The impact of Meta’s Threads(.net) launch on Threads(.com) is a testament to the unpredictable yet exciting nature of the tech industry.

Source: The data and analysis presented in this article were sourced from Venture Smarter, a small business advice company. For more information, visit:

Categories: AI Future, Tech Trends