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Building a Digital Marketing Skillset

Becoming a digital agency director: what experience do you need?

Gone are the days of Mad Men when catchphrases were coined to sell a single product Share on X

Digital marketing has, without a doubt, transformed both the publishing and advertising industry. Gone are the days of Mad Men when catchphrases were coined to sell a single product. Instead, digital marketing targets customers using multiple platforms. Becoming the leader or director of a digital marketing agency is certainly an aspirational position. You take the whole agency with you to win new clients and you have to boost morale for everyone who works underneath you.

Digital marketing targets customers using multiple platforms Share on X

To some extent, you will have a financial role for the agency. While account managers will keep clients happy and informed, you will be expected to win those all-important clients. Even if you don’t personally go out and win the pitch, you will be the one pulling the strings to make it happen. Therefore, the path towards becoming an agency director could always benefit from some extra education. Taking up an online course in finance could be hugely beneficial to you securing that position. This is likely to be an add-on to any other degrees you have, and so there is no need to return to full-time education. Taking an online masters in finance is an easy way of gaining such a qualification. Universities such as Suffolk University have online courses that are flexible around your schedule.

The path towards becoming an agency director could always benefit from some extra education Share on X
Agency experience

Experience within a digital marketing or advertising agency is crucial to you being a successful agency director. Understanding who is operating beneath you, and being able to empathize with their position, will make you much more respected and valued.

Marketing can become a large echo chamber, with a lot of jargon and buzzwords being thrown around Share on X
Don’t say what they want to hear

Don’t say what they want to hear – or it should be more like, don’t say what you think they want to hear. Marketing can become a large echo chamber, with a lot of jargon and buzzwords being thrown around for the sake of appearing to have expertise. Real expertise comes from experience – and it’s this expertise that should allow you to generate fresh approaches. While the rest of the industry may set the overall standard to some degree, there is no reason why you shouldn’t try and think outside of the box a little – maybe you will set the new benchmark.

Real expertise comes from experience Share on X
An appreciation for technology

If there is one thing that will hold an agency back, it is a reluctance to join in with modern technological methods. Shunning modern technology and neglecting to take your time to invest in the agency, will only see you slip further behind the curve. Using modern software and systems will ensure that clients get the service they deserve and expect. It will also do wonders for boosting morale in the company. Not investing in technology can leave employees feeling as if they themselves have not been invested in.

If there is one thing that will hold an agency back, it is a reluctance to join in with modern technological methods Share on X

Being an agency director is not an easy position. You have to appease employees and clients alike, all while taking the agency in the right direction. In order to be a successful director, you have to embrace the future of digital marketing and advertising, while thinking a little outside the echo chamber.

Not investing in technology can leave employees feeling as if they themselves have not been invested in Share on X