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Expert View: VR Healthcare Partnerships

From diagnosis to recovery, developments in Virtual Reality are transforming the healthcare landscape.

By Heleana Neil, writer at Innovate UK

VR is playing a role in advancing medical research, training and patient facilities, making a real impact in the daily lives of patients and medical professionals.However, with increased support and collaboration, there is a wealth of potential for further growth. The following technology partnership opportunities focus on VR in the medical space. From improving cultural experiences for the visually impaired to rethinking surgical training – this is what the future of VR and healthcare looks like.

Transforming Cultural Experiences for the Visually Impaired
Are smart wearables the next big thing in healthcare? Share on X

One Spanish start-up has developed an innovative kit to allow visually impaired people to virtually experience famous artworks and artifacts through a pair of smart gloves. By creating 3D models of artworks and famous masterpieces in the virtual space, layers are added through UV unwraps and re-topology to create a real tactile experience for the users.

When the virtual hand touches the 3D object, feedback is sent through the glove as a vibration, allowing the user to ‘see’ the object with their own hands. This technology can be used anywhere in the world, for inclusive, accessible access.

A Greek company developed a tool for trainee surgeons to help familiarise themselves with instruments and complex medical procedures Share on X

Who Are They Looking For?

  • Technological companies with connections to the cultural heritage sector
  • Museums
  • Cultural heritage managers

Partner Role:

  • Implementing this technology through a commercial agreement
  • The start-up will provide technical assistance
  • Technical cooperation is also sought with technology resellers or business developers to help upgrade and disseminate the product
For the patient, the technology lets them work on a particular cognitive function such as memory or language through analytic activities as well as placing them in ‘real-life’ simulations to aid rehabilitation Share on X
Training Surgeons Through VR Technology

A Greek company has developed a training tool for trainee surgeons to help familiarise themselves with instruments and complex medical procedures. This platform gives trainees the opportunity to practice in ‘real-life’ situations without risk. The advantages of this practice include improved patient outcomes and reduced training times. The platform currently provides VR training for the following types of surgeries;

  • total knee arthroplasty
  • total hip arthroplasty

It also offers personal skill tracking and development for surgeons and even includes ‘multiplayer’ and multiple use options to aid training.

Who Are They Looking for?

  • Medical device companies
  • Medical schools and universities
This is what the future of VR and healthcare looks like Share on X
Using VR to Support Cognitive Impairment Therapy
Aging populations are set to increase the number of people suffering from dementia and cognitive disorders. VR could provide much-needed support to rehabilitation therapies Share on X

A French ICT SME has developed an innovative solution allowing therapists to make sessions with patients more adaptable, catering to their individual needs. This VR technology has been designed for speech therapists, occupational therapists, and neuropsychologists, allowing them to place their patients in certain virtual situations and adjust the difficulty of each exercise. This technology is already being used successfully in hospitals in Europe, and is delivered via PCs, tablets and virtual reality headsets. For the patient, the technology lets them work on a particular cognitive function such as memory or language through analytic activities as well as placing them in ‘real-life’ simulations to aid rehabilitation.

Who Are They Looking For?

  • Industrial healthcare companies
  • Healthcare institutions
  • Financial partners to boost the next generation of the software

Partner role:

  • A commercial agreement with technical assistance
A start-up developed a kit to allow visually impaired people to virtually experience famous artworks and artifacts through a pair of smart gloves Share on X
Finding a Technology Partnership Opportunity
Are you a disruptive healthcare company looking to join an innovative partnership? Share on X

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) connects businesses with partners across the globe. From SMEs to academia, EEN enables the manufacturing, development and supply of products, ideas and services.

When the virtual hand touches the 3D object, feedback is sent through the glove as a vibration, allowing users to ‘see’ the object with their hands Share on X

To explore current partnership opportunities in VR and emerging technologies, browse EEN’s VR partnership opportunities.