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Report: Trust and the Future of Commerce

posted in: News, Tech Trends


The way we process and share information is changing, and that has implications for how we do business too.

The latest report Truth, Trust & The Future of Commerce by Sparks and Honey, was created in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and examines the forces shaping the future of commerce.

We’re told that we live in the information age and that the modern digital economy is data-driven, but what does that mean in practice? Share on X

This goes beyond just buying and selling, but also digs deeper into the commercial aspects involved in the exchange of information. We’re constantly told that we live in the information age and that the modern digital economy is data-driven, but what does that actually mean in practice?

This research dives deeper into a few areas of culture and innovation that are driving change in this space, including:

  • How tech is “hacking humans” – voice tech and “camera culture” are fragmenting our reality/concept of truth and trust
  • The major investment in genomics from the big tech players like Amazon, Google – how biotech will reshape commerce as we know it
  • How cultural shifts/trends around production & consumption (like the growing trend of on-demand manufacturing – driven by advanced tech) and people & automation (jobless growth) are shaping the future of commerce
Biotech will reshape commerce as we know it Share on X
See the slideshare presentation for the report below:

Voice tech & camera culture are fragmenting our concept of truth and trust Share on X

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Alice Bonasio is a VR and Digital Transformation Consultant and Tech Trends’ Editor in Chief. She also regularly writes for Fast Company, Ars Technica, Quartz, Wired and others. Connect with her on LinkedIn and follow @alicebonasio on Twitter.