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Tech Trends at #NYVRExpo 2017

posted in: Tech Trends, VR Tech


Some of the biggest companies and brightest minds of the VR space will converge for a 2-day event in New York, and we’re joining them!

I know what you’re thinking; aren’t you supposed to be in California? Why yes, even as I’m writing this I’m still recovering from jetlag and acclimatising to this strange bright light they call sunshine.

Experts from NYU and Columbia University Media Labs will discuss the future of the VR industry Share on X

Over the next few days we’ll be in Anaheim covering the Teradata Partners 2017 and just as this baby wraps up, we’re off to the Big Apple. It seems like forever since we last visited the City to check out an innovative pop-up 3D Printed furniture shop, and we really can’t say no to a cool VR showcase and meeting of minds, so bring on those air miles!

NYVR Expo is the first large-scale event in New York dedicated to Virtual and Augmented Reality and will focus on the opportunities that immersive technologies like VR and AR can bring to businesses.

Tech Trends can't resist a cool VR showcase and meeting of minds Share on X

The conference will feature the newest products, services, and technologies from more than 50 manufacturers in the VR/AR industry. I feel lots of gadget geeking coming on, specially since the passes also allow access to its sister conference PhotoPlus Expo. This is the largest photography trade show in North America, so should be right up the street for our Tech Trends Reviews Editor and photographer extraordinaire Tom Atkinson.

“The NYVR Conference and Expo will give attendees an opportunity to see the latest in VR and AR technologies and learn from the world’s foremost authorities about how to apply the technology to their businesses,” said show director Mike Gangel. “Whether you’re in software development, advertising, or real estate, there will be a number of seminars, panel discussions, and special presentations that will address the future needs and opportunities for your business.”

Supported by the New York City Economic Development Corporation, the event will feature representatives from major players in this space such as Microsoft, HTC Vive, Facebook, and Google. It will also host members of the NYU and Columbia University Media Labs, who will also share their thoughts on the future of the industry. A panel of VCS will discuss the funding environment, while Glimpse Group will discuss challenges and share tips for start-ups in the VR/AR ecosystem.

“We reached out to the NYC community, and around the world, for the best-in-class speakers on a range of topics,” says conference advisor Hugh Seaton.

The full list of seminars is available to view and register for here, but check out some of the highlights we’re looking forward to below:

NYVR expo will feature representatives from Microsoft, HTC Vive, Facebook, and Google Share on X

HoloLens Development

Welcome to the future. During this seminar, Microsoft will demonstrate the amazing ability of HoloLens and the latest R&D updates and features.  HoloLens will be able to let you view and interact with work projects such as assembling 3D models, play games like Minecraft, video chat with hologram versions of Skype contacts, and even watch live content.

360 VR Video

Industry veteran Jim Malcolm will share his experiences and shows tips and tricks for making amazing, and amazingly easy, 360 VR videos.

Facebook 360

Join Chetan Gupta, product manager at Facebook, as he shares the latest advancements in 360 technologies with photos and video, including scaling 360 media. The presentation will give attendees a real sense of how this technology, available today, can be applied to their business and creative endeavours.


So what is Photogrammetry, anyway, and why is it important in the world of VR and AR? By definition, it is the science of making measurements from photographs but in the world of VR/AR it is a platform for content creators to upload photos and graphics and use as reference for constructing 3D objects. Alban Denoyel is the co-founder and CEO of Sketchfab, a platform to publish and explore 3D content, and in this session will explain how AR/VR content developers can best leverage this.

Future of VR

2017 has been a very exciting year for VR and AR but the technology is moving so quickly it’s hard to distinguish what is already available and what is still in conceptual and prototype stage. Ken Perlin – a professor in the Department of Computer Science at NYU and director of the Future Reality Lab – will share his own thoughts and insights on the future of the industry.

From See-Through to Be-Through: Research Directions in Augmented Reality

Researchers have been actively exploring Augmented Reality (AR) for a half century, first in the lab and later in the streets. What can AR make possible by interactively integrating virtual media with our experience of the physical world? This question, and others, will be answered by Steven Feiner, a Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University where he directs the Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab, and co-directs the Columbia Vision and Graphics Center.

VR & Entertainment

NYC Media Lab Executive Director Justin Hendrix conducts a fireside chat to explore how Virtual Reality is changing the entertainment landscape and what the future holds.

Developing Roomscale

The best VR is in room-scale, which is the ability to physically move within a space to replicate real-world movement. HTC’s Dario Laverde will conduct a “walk-around” and demonstrate the latest technology in room-scale development.

We reached out to the community around the world to find the best-in-class speakers Share on X

So if you’re around on the 26th to the 28th October 2017 do look us up on Twitter @R3Digital, @alicebonasio and @techtrends_tech we’ll all be tweeting the latest news and cool s**t on the #NYVRExpo hashtag!

@R3Digital @alicebonasio and @techtrends_tech will tweet news and cool s**t on #NYVRExpo Share on X

If you would like to find out how to leverage VR/AR/MR in your enterprise, Tech Trends offers Virtual Reality Consultancy support

Alice Bonasio is a VR Consultant and Tech Trends’ Editor in Chief. She also regularly writes for Fast Company, Ars Technica, Quartz, Wired and others. Connect with her on LinkedIn and follow @alicebonasio and @techtrends_tech on Twitter.