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Cleaning Up With Augmented Reality

posted in: Tech Trends, VR Tech


“It is estimated that the average cleaning company loses up to 55% of their customer base every year due to poor service,” says Martin Cudzilo. And he’s betting that Augmented Reality will help to change all that.

Cudzilo has over a decade’s worth of experience overseeing cleaning companies and developing technologies to make the cleaning industry more efficient. He’s also CEO and Founder of AR-Check, a start-up which combines AR technology and smart glasses to train, monitor and guide best cleaning practices in real time.

The average cleaning company loses around 55% of their customers every year due to poor service Share on X

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The cleaning industry is desperate for a system that brings improvements and standardisation Share on X

The industry is in desperate need for a system that can bring improvements and standardisation while also managing all aspects of the cleaning process, as demand for a reliable maid service is constantly on the rise. This tool will make the industry more effective, more productive and easier to manage and the payoff will be quality results for manageable costs.”

Detailed cleaning instructions are delivered through the company's patented smart glasses Share on X

The plan is to initially deploy AR-Check mainly in critical industries such as hospitals and hotels, but there are potential applications across a much broader range of sectors such as restaurants, ships, airports or pretty much any large business that requires cleaning services.

AR-Check will be initially employed in critical industries such as hospitals and hotels Share on X

The technology which the company patented delivers detailed visualized cleaning instructions via smart glasses which seem to work along the lines of the Microsoft HoloLens (which means it can also be perhaps described as Mixed Reality depending on who you speak to). It provides functionality that not only gives users a detailed breakdown of what tasks need to be completed, but in what order, what tools and agents to use, the correct tools, and even how much pressure to apply in order to achieve optimum results.

“That all translates into less mistakes, down-time, better quality work, and on-the-spot training,” says Cudzilo

The main USP of AR/MR technology offers in this context is its ability to empower business owners, allowing customers to monitor staff performance in real time based on location, day, time and any other work-specific criteria which can be customised to each client, such as contamination containment.

Customers can use this monitoring data to identify patterns and isolate common problems Share on X

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This is yet another great example of the immense commercial possibilities of AR and MR Share on X

Customers can use this monitoring data to identify patterns and isolate common problems, addressing staffing needs and invoicing more accurately according to a detailed record of work completed rather than just hours spent on the premise.


“AR-Check is designed to improve quality and performance, providing greater transparency and cost-savings to the commercial cleaning industry. It will empower businesses to make better, more informed decisions without heavy reliance on cleaning intermediaries, saving money and resources and helping to create best practices that standardise cleaning processes and minimise contamination,” concludes Cudzilo, who is currently raising funding to develop and rollout the technology more widely.

This is yet another great example of the immense transformative possibilities that Augmented and Mixed Reality bring, not only to education and training, but to pretty much every commercial industry sector you can think of, which is why we’re seeing major players and Fortune 500 companies making significant moves towards embracing AR and incorporating it into their broader strategy. Our bet is that 2017 will continue to bring a exponential growth and breakthroughs in this space.

If you would like to find out how to leverage VR/AR/MR in your enterprise, Tech Trends offers Virtual Reality Consultancy support

Alice Bonasio is a VR Consultant and Tech Trends’ Editor in Chief. She also regularly writes for Fast Company, Ars Technica, Quartz, Wired and others. Connect with her on LinkedIn and follow @alicebonasio and @techtrends_tech on Twitter.