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How Artificial Intelligence Can Supercharge Your Project

AI in Project Management Tools: How It’s Proving Useful in More Ways than Imagined Before

2019 is nearing the last quarter and we are living and trading in a time when business software solutions are seeing amazing improvements in both their ability to do the traditional jobs which they were originally developed to do, as well as in integrating new features and functions which were not thought of as possible before. Let’s take a look at some of the latest innovations that are changing business software solutions for the better.

Business software solutions are seeing improvements in their ability to do the jobs they were originally developed to do, as well as in integrating new features and functions not thought of as possible before Share on X
AI is Going to be Crucial for Project Estimation and Prediction in 2020

Modern project management tools have improved with AI integration and are more geared towards the year ahead, rather than just staying relevant in 2019. Expect project management tools such as Teamwork, Wrike, Smartsheet and Scoro to utilize machine learning capabilities of the integrated artificial intelligence components to their fullest in bringing forth the following advantages.

Modern project management tools have improved with AI integration and are more geared towards the year ahead, rather than just staying relevant in 2019 Share on X
KBE: Knowledge-Based Expert Systems

A Knowledge-Based Expert (KBE) system provides near accurate estimations regarding the number of resources and the exact time allocation that will be necessary to complete each and every task throughout the different stages of the project.

KBE systems are a major component of the planning, scheduling and budgeting phase of projects these days, and without the AI assistance, businesses that are using them would immediately start to see a dip in their ability to handle projects and complete them within the stipulated deadline.

KBE systems are a major component of the planning, scheduling and budgeting phase of projects these days Share on X

As for companies that are not using any project management tools at all, or still relying on something that went out of date and support a long time ago, the improvement in project management will seem groundbreaking!

Better Preparation and Elimination of Scope Creep

AI will be eliminating at least some of the major “halt, reassess and reassign” steps that are generally needed to avoid scope creep.

For companies that are not using any project management tools at all, or still relying on something that went out of date and support a long time ago, the improvement in project management will seem groundbreaking! Share on X

The predictive analysis may not always be enough to predict everything and advise accordingly, but by analyzing “if-then” statements relevant in most simpler, smaller projects, it is enough to help a project manager make provisions for scope creep, if and when the parameters are changed for one reason or another.

As for the ones that the system may not always be able to predict, they will still take a lot less time to handle as compared to the amount of time which would have been necessary, if the project manager and the team also had to deal with all the other issues the system managed to successfully predict in advance.

AI is a developing piece of software that continues to learn through pattern recognition, data collection, and analysis, so with the passage of time, more avenues of AI use will open up across all fields of business Share on X

Artificial intelligence is no longer a new concept in business software, but yet it continues to surprise us by opening up new avenues not thought possible before. Surprising as the results might be at times, the phenomenon itself isn’t though.

AI is a developing piece of software that continues to learn through pattern recognition, data collection, and analysis, so it would only make sense that with the passage of time, more avenues of AI use will open up across all fields of business and everything else as well.