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Expert View: Data Center Evolution

posted in: Expert View, Tech Trends


 Securing a marketplace for growth requires data centers to move with the times.

By Volker Ludwig, Senior Vice President Sales at e-shelter 

Energy costs, reliability and air conditioning are all important criteria for choosing an external data center. But today’s key considerations also include efficient process implementation and, above all, fast and secure access to global cloud and application providers. Private, public and hybrid cloud solutions demand a hacker-protected connection with fast response times and colocation offers the ideal platform for this, enabling providers to act as a digital marketplace for the implementation of IT concepts.

Private, public and hybrid cloud solutions demand a hacker-protected connection with fast response times Share on X

Due to the increasing digitisation of our lives, the amount of data being stored in data centers will continue to increase dramatically. According to IDC’s 2017 study, Big Data and the Internet of Things will reach a data volume of approximately 163 zettabytes (ZB) by 2025. For comparison: In 2016, only one-tenth of this data volume (16ZB) was produced. In addition, the same IDC study predicted that this generation of data will increasingly shift to the enterprise sector. But many enterprise data centers will not grow to the same extent. Data centers must evolve and grow in line with this data growth.

Big Data and the Internet of Things will reach a data volume of approximately 163 zettabytes (ZB) by 2025 Share on X
From colocation to the marketplace

Colocation today is about much more than just putting racks together – the classic colocation model is changing. Activities range from optimising the physical footprint, to resolving redundant power supplies and connectivity services. The increasing pressure on companies to provide their users with modern applications, some of which run independently in public clouds, presents CIOs with completely new challenges. In many cases, an unplanned multi-cloud approach has already developed in order to meet users’ needs, but this can be complex and uneconomical especially when departments go rogue and start independently purchasing services from third-party providers without the IT team being involved.

Data centers must evolve and grow in line with this data growth Share on X

It is now that data centers (DCs) have the opportunity to move into a new role. They can offer companies an ecosystem in which they can choose the optimal solution for them, just like in a marketplace. The colocation DC now has the central role of advising the customer, for example, customers may want access to various cloud providers – such as AWS, Microsoft, Google, Alibaba, Softlayer etc. – enabling them to tailor their multi or hybrid cloud strategy flexibly, inexpensively and across multiple providers. This variety also lets them implement platforms in an environment that ensures the compliance of operating systems and reduces operational risk through a secure infrastructure and service level agreements.

Scalability and redundancy

Outsourcing parts of the DC provides more scope for growth. Colocation vendors are continually expanding their DC capacity in distributed locations to meet global data growth and allow users to tailor their capacity to their current needs. For customers, having growth options are essential. This ensures that they can flexibly book capacities based on their specific business needs and, if necessary, terminate or distribute them to any number of DCs in the provider’s network.

Colocation today is about much more than just putting racks together Share on X

This enables a wide range of redundancy concepts with outsourced server capacities sent to mirrored data centers with separate paths and supply networks. Connections can be made via any carrier and even over several network providers with the necessary service level agreements and users can also choose between different service providers.

Flexibility and choice in a protected environment

In the modern colocation center, users have access to numerous partners with different expertise on site, which they can access flexibly: from various carriers and cloud providers, to system integrators. A technology change from pure colocation to the use of cloud solutions is made easy for users, who can easily access interesting solutions from a wide range of services. The Colocation DC in its function as a marketplace also gives users access to a large selection of potential partners offering comparable services. This increased competitive pressure in turn has a positive effect on quality and affordability.

The increasing pressure on companies to provide their users with modern applications, some of which run independently in public clouds, presents CIOs with completely new challenges Share on X

Technically, the spatial proximity aids the realisation of hybrid cloud solutions. Since the applications are only separated by one cross-connect, latencies are minimal. This allows a seamless transition from a traditional or private cloud application on a colocation-powered server, to a provider’s public cloud application in the same data center. In this way, peak loads of applications in the public cloud can be intercepted for enterprise IT teams, which brings a high degree of flexibility and agility.

Partner networks can be leveraged to offer customers a variety of solutions and services for planning, implementing, migrating and managing their hybrid cloud environments. Concrete solutions can be used to manage the hybrid cloud environment, dynamically deploying resources and applications. And with the increasing use of public cloud offerings, bandwidth requirements and low latency can be realised through direct access to the cloud solutions.

Partner networks can be leveraged to offer customers a variety of solutions and services for planning, implementing, migrating and managing their hybrid cloud environments Share on X
The future is getting more diverse

In colocation DCs, customers and cloud providers operate a wide variety of applications, each with very specific requirements. Developments such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things are raising the importance of issues such as real-time capability and distributed data centers.

Outsourcing parts of the DC provides more scope for growth Share on X

With the growing flood of data impacting our world, the diverse range of applications from the cloud, along with the evolution of innovative applications – such as 5G – companies will increasingly outsource data center capacity, including a greater number of applications.

Specialist colocation data centers need to take on a more advisory role, consulting customers on the planning, management and maintenance of the infrastructure and advise on the selection of suitable partners, to help their customers grow and thrive.

Developments such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things are raising the importance of real-time capability and distributed data centers Share on X

Alice Bonasio is a VR and Digital Transformation Consultant and Tech Trends’ Editor in Chief. She also regularly writes for Fast Company, Ars Technica, Quartz, Wired and others. Connect with her on LinkedIn and follow @alicebonasio on Twitter.