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Tech Trends @ VR Sports & Entertainment Summit 2018


The 2nd Annual Immersive Technology in Sports & Entertainment Summit will be held in San Francisco on November 13-14, 2018. Tech Trends is excited to be a media partner for the event so watch this space for key highlights. With 40 Speakers and over 200 senior executives from Sport, Entertainment, Technology, Global Brands and Broadcasting registered to attend it is set to be the defining event for leaders across sports, technology and entertainment industries. The summit will showcase the latest in immersive technology, alongside commercial, marketing and performance strategies from the global sports and entertainment industry.

The summit will showcase the latest in immersive technology, alongside commercial, marketing and performance strategies from the global sports and entertainment industry. Share on X

Working with the leading sports clubs, rights holders, broadcasters and technology powerhouses the summit is designed to break down and identify the greatest challenges and opportunities for immersive technology within elite sport – Fan Engagement, Elite Performance, Global Brand Development, User Experience, E-Gaming – Commercial Partnerships.

2018 is shaping up to be the breakthrough year for Immersive Technology and Sport. With a market potential in excess of $100Billion, the opportunities for growth are enormous.

From live VR broadcasts and fan engagement experiences to VR training, billions of fans and athletes across the world will engage with immersive sports content. Despite much impressive early innovation, there is still a paucity of content for the regular sports fan to consume. This is in large part due to the technical challenges and costs sports organisations face in generating VR content and experiences and the barriers consumers still face in accessing VR. The key question facing the sports industry is understanding which immersive technologies will come out on top and then identifying what the most effective strategies to implement and monetize them may be.

Join us in #SF at http://www.virtual-reality-sports-innovation.com #immersivetech #sportstech #VentureCapital #startups #ROI @SportsInnovNet Share on X

The Summit brings together the senior stakeholders from the biggest clubs, associations, athletes, broadcasters and brands alongside the leaders in technology, innovation and big data to identify how to activate, apply and monetise immersive tech in the sports arena.

Critically though, it goes to the heart of monetization strategies to realize the huge market potential for Immersive Technology in Sport. Follow us on Twitter @techtrends_tech for updates from the event and we will be posting more here soon.


Tom Atkinson is a Digital Producer & Photographer at R3Digital and Reviews & Dept. Editor at Tech Trends. Connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter @R3Digital