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Tech Trends at #BCTECHSummit 2018


May 14 – 16 TechTrends will be at #BCTECHSummit in Vancouver checking out the booming local Tech scene!

With half our team in the US for Google #io18 and Microsoft #MSBuild, our intrepid Dept. Editor is off to Canada next week for the in Vancouver. Put together by the Government of British Columbia and the BC Innovation Council (BCIC), the #BCTECHSummit is the largest technology conference in Western Canada, showcasing B.C.’s vibrant tech and innovation sectors.

Delivered by the Government of British Columbia and the BC Innovation Council (BCIC), the #BCTECHSummit is the largest technology conference in Western Canada Share on X

Last year over 5K visitors from 15 countries attended to hear from 200+ speakers and 270 exhibitors about the opportunities B.C. has to offer the technology sector so @R3Digital has his work cut out in 2018! Find out more about the event on their Blog and who will be exhibiting this year here.

Join thousands in exploring how technology is driving cross-industry growth and change, and how our companies are emerging as global leaders in today’s data economy. Hear from those pushing the boundaries of innovation and creating the jobs of the future. Join us to meet tech entrepreneurs, investors, key leaders in government and industry, and other change-makers. Grow your business by building new networks and fostering existing relationships.

Last year over 5K visitors from 15 countries attended to hear from 200+ speakers and 270 exhibitors about the opportunities B.C. has to offer technology companies Share on X

Speakers we will be watching out for include the Hon. John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia, Anthony Salcito, Microsoft’s Vice President of Worldwide Education, Jared Cohen, Founder & CEO at Google Ideas & Jigsaw and no less than the incredible Andy Bird the dreadlocked Canadian Heavyweight Wrestling Champion! Check out the full line up here, it looks truly awesome and follow us @techtrends_tech for live updates on the sessions and exhibitors.

Speakers we will be watching out for include the Hon. John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia and no less than the incredible Andy Bird, the dreadlocked Canadian Heavyweight Wrestling Champion! Share on X

Alice Bonasio VR Consultancy MR Tom Atkinson Tech Trends Review AR Mixed Virtual Reality Augmented british columbia BC BCTECH summit #BCTECHSummit

50 startups that will be pitching at this year’s Investment Showcase, an exclusive event happening May 15th at the #BCTECHSummit. These BC tech companies have been chosen as the most investable startups in their sector by a group of top-tier VCs and angel investors. Companies will be given the opportunity to pitch their tech to local and international investors, followed by Q&A sessions. Tech Trends will also be meeting with some cool looking B.C. companies to get hands-on with their technology so watch this space for coverage right here on the blog.

LLAMAZOO: LlamaZoo is an award-winning virtual reality / augmented reality studio developing 3D education and communication software for enterprise. Their products and solutions include EasyAnatomy (a 3D veterinary anatomy study & reference app used in over 120 countries), JetsonVR (the world’s first virtual reality canine anatomy dissection experience), and MineLife VR (their virtual reality mine planning platform allowing users to tour a mine remotely).

VICTORIA HAND PROJECT: Victoria Hand Project has produced a low cost, 3D printed, upper limb prosthesis that is deployed in countries around the world where access to prosthetic care is difficult and costly. The non-profit has provided prosthetics to more than 70 people in Guatemala, Nepal, Cambodia, Ecuador and Haiti. A finalist for the Google Impact Challenge Canada was awarded $250,000 from Google, along with support to expand operations.

FANTASY360: Fantasy 360 creates highly engaging and interactive experiences meant to leave lasting impressions on those who experience them. Using virtual reality, augmented-reality and projection mapping, Fantasy 360 creates immersive experiences, changing the way people experience sporting events or concerts.

50 startups that will be pitching at this year’s Investment Showcase, an exclusive event happening May 15th at the #BCTECHSummit Share on X

Alice Bonasio VR Consultancy MR Tom Atkinson Tech Trends Review AR Mixed Virtual Reality Augmented british columbia BC BCTECH summit #BCTECHSummit

Come be part of the largest showcase of innovation in B.C.! Get a glimpse of cutting-edge made-in-B.C. discoveries and inventions in our Marketplace, Startup Village and Research Runway. Collaborate with our emerging entrepreneurs, ecosystem builders and service builders.

So stay tuned right here and on our social media feeds – Follow @techtrends_tech or @R3Digital for all the latest, and if you’re going to be over there and fancy saying hi, feel free to tweet us with the hashtag


For companies looking to get into Immersive technologies such as VR/AR/MR/XR our Virtual Reality Consultancy services offer guidance and support on how best to incorporate these into your brand strategy.

Tom Atkinson is a Digital Producer & Photographer at R3Digital and Reviews & Dept. Editor at Tech Trends. Connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter @R3Digital